• Retail Omnichannel Engagement & Marketing

    Customer Analytics Software

Virtually, every customer today is an omnichannel customer. He engages with your brand on multiple channels with specific objectives through the path to purchase. Businesses that adopt real time marketing campaigns that leverage customer insights from every channel will enjoy a profitable competitive edge.

Every insight driven campaign endears the retailer to the customer building a strong loyal bond that is not easily broken by opportunistic competitive offers. Customer360 enables marketers to scale their ability to execute real time rich insights driven omni-channel marketing campaigns.

Customer360 Omnichannel Insights

Customer360 aggregates demographic, transactional, loyalty program, click-stream, social conversations and mobile behavior insights to create a single unified profile of every customer. Unified customer insights help marketers recognize customer preferences about products, channels, promotions and delivery to create context relevant communication that motivates purchase.

Data Driven Engagment
Omni Channnel Insights

Predict Omnichannel Behavior

Every customer walks a different path for every purchase. Recognize the Path to Purchase to find out individual customer buying stage and next action. Leverage insights about customers and use them in Customer360 algorithms to predict customer behaviors like purchase propensity, product affinity, promotion responses etc.

Unsupervised Personalization

Even though customers have multiple channels to reach businesses, they still struggle to acquire the most suitable product or service. Customer360 leverages the analytical insights and behavior predictions to recommend the right product to every customer and personalize the offer and channel and deliver it at right time based on the customer’s real time context.

Omni Channel Marketing in Retail

Switch on

2 hours to #OmniPresence
Profile your customers. Understand their expectations. Devise cross-sell opportunities. Execute your personalization campaigns. On the customer’s preferred channel.
Personalized marketing
Omni Channel Engagment

13 years of experience translated into packaged applications tailored for specific functions, delivered over the cloud. Ready to use on day 1.

OmniChannel Marketing

Pre-built connectors and defined processes drive faster self service data loading into a built for analytics marketing data model. Unify data from external and enterprise systems.

Customer 360

Architected for use by business users, with ample self service and on-demand help to accelerate adoption. First analytical view in 2 days.

Customer Analytics Blog


Top ten ways Disney sets the bar for the retail customer experience.

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Big Data and marketing – heady cocktails and crushing hangovers.

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3 Levers to boosting productivity of the next-gen data scientist.

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Quick reads

10-minute reads on how you can make each customer be #TheChosenOne